Companies Using and Retailers/Resellers Selling Bioglitter®

As a manufacturer, we supply Bioglitter® to some of the world’s biggest beauty and retail brands, but through contractual agreements, we can’t always say who!

We grant permission to trusted companies, brands and resellers to use our Bioglitter® logos on their product packaging, promotional material and websites, to communicate clearly to the consumer that GENUINE Bioglitter® is used in the product and demonstrate authenticity to the consumer.

The Bioglitter® Logo is a registered trademark and can only be used with Sigmund Lindner GmbH’s permission.

The use of this logo on products indicates it contains or is made with genuine Bioglitter® product.

Click her to find out more about the Bioglitter brand licensing scheme

Click here to contact us directly to apply for a license


Cosmetic Bioglitter®: Companies, Brands and Retailers/Resellers 



Deco Bioglitter®: Companies, Brands and Retailers/Reseller



Craft Bioglitter®:  Retailers/Resellers



Craft Bioglitter®: Education Trade Suppliers